And trust me, I am not mobile but I have seen improvements! Try this as a warmup to working out or daily to just feel better.


1. Elephant Walks – 60 seconds

2. Jefferson Curls – 1 set of 10. I’ll use dumbbells, kettlebells and sometimes a barbell to change it up.

3. Squeeze / Relax Adductor- contract adductors by squeezing legs together pushing a valves position in the knees for 3 seconds then relax and sit into the stretch. Repeat for 3 reps, rest and repeat twice for a total of 9 reps. Sometimes I will sit deep into the last rep for a minute.

4. Couch Stretch – 1 minute each leg

5. Pigeon Stretch – 1minute each leg

6. ATG Lunge – 10 each leg


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