Fitness Myths

Fitness Myths

MYTH BUSTIN ⤵️ Want to build strong glutes? – Spend time in a calorie surplus. – Consistently nail your protein intake. – Consistently achieve progressive overload (aka lifting heavier as time goes on). Want a slim waist? – Spend time in a...
How to be Active When I am Busy

How to be Active When I am Busy

I think “You have the time” can sometimes be harsh… While, yes, you most likely do have the time, you might not have the energy during the time… I truly can’t imagine a day where I’d get kids up, work a full day, get kids home/to practice, make dinner, get kids to...
How should I eat towards my goals?

How should I eat towards my goals?

When you sign up to change your lifestyle, your relationship with food is going to change. There will be some sacrifice—but saying no doesn’t mean harsh restriction. Saying no to things that do not align with your goals is eating with purpose of something greater than...
The Ideal Balance of Health

The Ideal Balance of Health

Your ideal balance of health encapsulates all aspects of your life: 🥒Nutrition 🏋🏼‍♀️Exercise 😴Sleep 👯‍♀️Social life All four equally contribute to your overall mental (and physical) health. And when one suffers, the rest do, too. Learning to balance all four takes...
Why am I not losing weight?

Why am I not losing weight?

The answer to weight loss is simple: you must be consuming fewer calories than you are burning. The actual journey is what’s hard. Our bodies are extremely complex…. There could be heaps of reasons as to why you’re not losing weight. A few things to check: 🏃🏼‍♀️Are...