Sometimes the answer is to eat more…

Sometimes the answer is to eat more…

“I’m barely eating, why can’t I lose this weight??!!” Let’s chat about the effects of eating too few calories for too long: Firstly, you may have noticed that energy levels are low & sleep quality is poor. Your workouts are weak and slow. When you don’t feed your...
Make Your Workout Harder

Make Your Workout Harder

Deterring from your written program isn’t always the best way to go… Examples being adding extra sets and/or reps & decreasing rest time between sets. Your reps, sets, and rest are programmed with safety & effectiveness in mind. I also want you to remember...
Why should you sauna?

Why should you sauna?

You might’ve heard me or someone say “the sauna is so good for you!” Here’s why… Cardiovascular disease is leading cause of death in the United States—these are heart related diseases like heart attacks and strokes. High stress jobs or lives affect the health of our...
Experiencing a Burn Out?

Experiencing a Burn Out?

Let me tell ya—there’s nothing wrong with going through periods of feeling burnt out. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your job or your relationship or your life any less than you do on the good days… I like to describe a burn out with “I’ve been doing the same...