by phnmlifestyle | Oct 11, 2022 | Coaching, Fitness, Nutrition, Overall Health, Uncategorized
Free Holiday Nutrition Guide Fall 2022 Click On Graphic to Download
by phnmlifestyle | Jul 3, 2022 | Coaching, Nutrition, Overall Health
Quick Tips for a Healthy 4th of July Some people stress about it, some don’t. If you are dieting and trying to change you lifestyle this summer, don’t let the 4th of July celebration hinder you from getting results. All in all, it’s just ONE day....
by phnmlifestyle | Jul 1, 2022 | Coaching, Nutrition, Overall Health
Are “Cheat Meals” a Good Idea?? I see a lot of people using cheat meals and think they are doing them successfully when they are actually “binge eating” and creating the dangerous habit of “food reward” “”More...
by phnmlifestyle | May 22, 2022 | Nutrition
Carb Cycling I feel like this has made a bit of a comeback recently so I wanted to re-release this video! This is a 6 minute video that will give you all the info you need!
by phnmlifestyle | May 18, 2022 | Nutrition, Overall Health
Youth Sports: Eating Before a Big Game! I wanted to share with everyone a great article I came across: “PBSCCS was recently contacted by a coach of a 13U team who wanted to know what he could do to improve team performance in morning games. He said that his...
by phnmlifestyle | May 16, 2022 | Coaching, Nutrition, Overall Health
Get a Free 12 Week Workout Plan with 3 Months of Customized Nutrition Coaching That’s right!! Get a free workout plan when you get 3 Months of Customized Nutritional Coaching!! Here is what comes with it: Customized macros and calorie plan specific to your...